Are you in a place where you have fear? Do you have that nudge that God wants you to start that business? Maybe you’ve started it, but you know you need to grow it by becoming more visible, talking to more people about it, investing some money in yourself to grow your skills? Or maybe you need to start leading that woman’s Bible study but there’s FEAR!! Today I want you to think of Esther. That woman possibly could have DIED doing what she did to save her community. So in moving forward, in taking the step in fear, know that what God has planned for you is greater than you can imagine and greater than your fear. God has not given us a spirit of Fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. So go, use that mind and that love to serve others from a place of excitement, not fear!!!
~If you’d like a free call to see how we can kick that fear to the curb and start growing your business, let’s chat!~