
Hi, I'm Sarah

copy strategist for Professionals

I’m kinda nervous to share this...

But…when I was 17 I was given a rare opportunity that forever changed my life……
You see, I had been the “good girl.”
Honored for my grades, good behavior, and willingness to go with the flow.
These “good” things came with an opportunity to pursue an internship.
Speech therapy.
While many high schoolers were spending hours taking Calculus tests and wasting their lunch hours with small talk…

…I was teaching people how to speak again.

I worked with stroke victims who could no longer speak.
You could see in their eyes how desperate they were to speak again, to be heard again…
…to be seen again.
These stroke victims wanted opportunities to tell their loved ones, “I love you. I’m proud of you. I’m still here.”
The stroke had taken away their opportunity to be heard.
It didn’t make sense at the time…
…but I knew how they felt.

See, my entire life I felt like I didn’t have a voice.

I’m the daughter of a pastor and always felt undermined by my peers.
“Oh, little Sarah is saying something, how cute!”
It made me furious.
So when I had the opportunity to help other people speak, I jumped at the chance.
My own desire to be heard was felt with each client I walked through the alphabet with.
This was the first time I really remember being excited to pursue something… passionately.
You see, after this internship I was so excited to go to a Speech Therapy School.
But there were a lot of people around me who shut down that dream:
It wasn’t the “right” school.
It would “get me into trouble.”
There are so many “bad” influences.

The voices of everyone around me began to grow louder than the voice of my own intuition.

And I began to doubt myself..

And even though I desperately wanted to go to the speech therapy school…
…I settled for the popular Christian university because that was the “safe option”.
And I regretted it immediately.
I got a degree in Accounting even though I hate numbers.
I believed the lie that God wanted something less for me than the desires He had cultivated since a young age.
I began to distance myself from what I truly wanted:
“I don’t know what I want.”
“I’ll sacrifice the opportunities I’ve been given, so there’s no conflict.”
“What I say doesn’t matter anyway, so why speak up?”
My gift of giving voice began to turn inwards, becoming a destructive force…
I felt trapped.

This is why I’m so passionate about the copy I write for clients.

Because I get them.
And I know how to give voice to the voiceless…
I know the cost of a missed opportunity…

...and I fight hard for my clients to have the freedom to choose the direction they want to take their business.

When I first started working with Sarah I felt scattered, like I knew the general direction I needed to go in, but just wasn’t sure how to get there. Sarah helped me get clear on the foundational items first, working on my own confidence in my abilities and offerings, which in turn helped me see clearly where I was going. Then she worked with me to form a plan to get there, an achievable step by step plan. She has a unique way about her that instills a calmness and challenges you at the same time to improve on where you are, and I truly appreciate that in her and that was just what I needed!
Tricia Isham
Web Designer

Do you feel like you’re trapped because of time or lack of opportunity?

Let’s create opportunities using your copy and expertise.